
Ine Poppe (NL)

Ine Poppe (1960, NL) works in Amsterdam as an artist, writer, director -has her own company IP-productions. As a journalist Poppe writes extensively about digital culture. At the moment for the Art Section of the major dutch newspaper NRC-Handelsblad. She also has researched and directed television documentaries for National Television. She lectures on the arts and multimedia and is Professor on Art Acadamy, Willem de Kooning in Rotterdam. Her documentary Hippies from Hell about Dutch Hackers was shown at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2002, at several Universities, and at the exhibit Poppe also wrote scenarios for several computer games, in 2002 for the Teylers Museum in Haarlem.

Poppe was winner of the 2002 Geneva-Europe Grand Prize for TVscenarios, with the scenario of Necrocam, about a webcam inside a coffin, an idea from her son Zoro, a computerfreak. NY-Times Matt Mirapaul wrote about Necrocam after the film was online ( ) and Poppe discussed webcasting on BBC-radio 4. She is in the process writing another teleplay about three women who make a humanoid for the Dutch National Broadcastcompany VARA.


Events: Critical Ecosystems
