function Jax() { var loadingTimeout = 400; var iframe; this.loadingFunction = function(){}; this.doneLoadingFunction = function(){}; this.stringify = function(arg){ var c, i, l, o, u, v; switch (typeof arg) { case 'object': //alert('obj'); if (arg) { if (arg.constructor == Array) { o = ''; for (i = 0; i < arg.length; ++i) { v = this.stringify(arg[i]); if (o && (v !== u)) { o += ','; } if (v !== u) { o += v; } } return '[' + o + ']'; } else if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { o = ''; for (i in arg) { v = this.stringify(arg[i]); if (v !== u) { if (o) { o += ','; } o += this.stringify(i) + ':' + v; } } return '{' + o + '}'; } else { return; } } //return 'null'; return ''; case 'unknown': case 'undefined': case 'function': return u; case 'string': l = arg.length; o = '"'; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { c = arg.charAt(i); if (c >= ' ') { if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { o += '\\'; } o += c; } else { switch (c) { case '\b': o += '\\b'; break; case '\f': o += '\\f'; break; case '\n': o += '\\n'; break; case '\r': o += '\\r'; break; case '\t': o += '\\t'; break; default: c = c.charCodeAt(); o += '\\u00'; o += Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16); o += (c % 16).toString(16); } } } return o + '"'; default: return String(arg); } } /** * Get XMLHttpObject */ this.getRequestObject = function() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE var msxmlhttp = new Array( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); for (var i = 0; i < msxmlhttp.length; i++) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject(msxmlhttp[i]); } catch (e) { http_request = null; } } } if (!http_request) { alert('Unfortunatelly you browser doesn\'t support this feature.'); return false; } return http_request; } /** * xajax.$() is shorthand for document.getElementById() */ this.$ = function(sId) { if (!sId) { return null; } var returnObj = document.getElementById(sId); if (!returnObj && document.all) { returnObj = document.all[sId]; } return returnObj; } this.addEvent = function ( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.attachEvent ) { obj['e'+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function(){obj['e'+type+fn]( window.event );} obj.attachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); } else{ obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );} } this.removeEvent = function ( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.detachEvent ) { obj.detachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); obj[type+fn] = null; } else{ obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );} } this.submitITask = function(comName, func, postData, responseFunc){ var xmlReq = this.buildXmlReq(comName, func, postData, responseFunc, true); this.loadingFunction(); if(!this.iframe){ this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); this.iframe.setAttribute("id", 'ajaxIframe'); this.iframe.setAttribute("height", 0); this.iframe.setAttribute("width", 0); this.iframe.setAttribute("border", 0); = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(this.iframe); this.iframe.src = xmlReq; } else { this.iframe.src = xmlReq; } } this.extractIFrameBody = function(iFrameEl) { var doc = null; if (iFrameEl.contentDocument) { // For NS6 doc = iFrameEl.contentDocument; } else if (iFrameEl.contentWindow) { // For IE5.5 and IE6 doc = iFrameEl.contentWindow.document; } else if (iFrameEl.document) { // For IE5 doc = iFrameEl.document; } else { alert("Error: could not find sumiFrame document"); return null; } return doc.body; } this.buildXmlReq = function(comName, func, postData, responseFunc, iframe){ var xmlReq = ''; if(iframe){ xmlReq += '?';} else{ xmlReq += '&';} xmlReq += 'option='+ comName; xmlReq += '&no_html=1'; xmlReq += '&task=azrul_ajax'; xmlReq += '&func=' + func; if(postData){ xmlReq += "&" + postData; } return xmlReq; } /** * Sumbit ajax task */ this.submitTask = function(comName, func, postData, responseFunc){ var xmlhttp = this.getRequestObject(); var targetUrl = jax_live_site;'POST', targetUrl, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { if (xmlhttp.status == 200){ jax.doneLoadingFunction(); jax.processResponse(xmlhttp.responseText); }else { // warning ajax fails } } } var id = 1; var xmlReq = this.buildXmlReq(comName, func, postData, responseFunc); this.loadingFunction(); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xmlhttp.send(xmlReq); } this.processIResponse = function(){ jax.doneLoadingFunction(); var resp = (this.extractIFrameBody(this.iframe).innerHTML); resp = resp.replace(/</g, "<"); resp = resp.replace(/>/g, ">"); resp = resp.replace(/&/g, "&"); resp = resp.replace(/"/g, '"'); resp = resp.replace(/'/g, "'"); this.processResponse(resp); } /** * Process the json string */ this.processResponse = function(responseTxt){ // clean up any previous error responseTxt = responseTxt.substring(responseTxt.indexOf("{")); var result = eval("(" + responseTxt + ")"); // we now have an array, that contains an array. for(var i=0; i 2){ for(var i=2; i < arguments.length; i++){ var a = arguments[i]; if(this.isArray(a)){ arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(a) + "&"; }else if(typeof a =="string"){ a = a.replace(/"/g, """); // Encode the '{' and '}' characters a = a.replace(/{/g, "{"); a = a.replace(/}/g, "}"); var t = new Array('_d_', encodeURIComponent(a)); arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(t) + "&"; } else { var t = new Array('_d_', encodeURIComponent(a)); arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(t) + "&"; } } } this.submitITask(comName, sFunction, arg); } /** * Function call to PHP function */ = function(comName, sFunction){ var arg = ""; if(arguments.length > 2){ for(var i=2; i < arguments.length; i++){ var a = arguments[i]; if(this.isArray(a)){ arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(a) + "&"; }else if(typeof a =="string"){ a = a.replace(/"/g, """); // Encode the '{' and '}' characters a = a.replace(/{/g, "{"); a = a.replace(/}/g, "}"); var t = new Array('_d_', encodeURIComponent(a)); arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(t) + "&"; } else { var t = new Array('_d_', encodeURIComponent(a)); arg += "arg" + i + "=" + this.stringify(t) + "&"; } } } this.submitTask(comName, sFunction, arg); } this.create = function(sParentId, sTag, sId){ var objParent = this.$(sParentId); objElement = document.createElement(sTag); objElement.setAttribute('id',sId); if (objParent){ objParent.appendChild(objElement);} } this.remove = function(sId){ objElement = this.$(sId); if (objElement && objElement.parentNode && objElement.parentNode.removeChild) { objElement.parentNode.removeChild(objElement); } } /** * Return an array of data within the form object */ this.getFormValues = function(frm){ var objForm; objForm = this.$(frm); var postData = new Array(); if (objForm && objForm.tagName == 'FORM'){ var formElements = objForm.elements; for( var i=0; i < formElements.length; i++){ if (!formElements[i].name){ continue;} if (formElements[i].type && (formElements[i].type == 'radio' || formElements[i].type == 'checkbox') && formElements[i].checked == false){ continue;} var name = formElements[i].name; if (name){ if(formElements[i].type=='select-multiple'){ postData[i] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < formElements[i].length; j++){ if (formElements[i].options[j].selected === true){ var value = formElements[i].options[j].value; value = value.replace(/"/g, """); value = value.replace(/{/g, "{"); value = value.replace(/}/g, "}"); postData[i][j] = new Array(name, encodeURIComponent(value)); } } } else { var value = formElements[i].value; // Encode the '{' and '}' characters value = value.replace(/{/g, "{"); value = value.replace(/}/g, "}"); value = value.replace(/"/g, """); postData[i] = new Array(name, encodeURIComponent(value)); } } } } return postData; } } function jax_iresponse(){ jax.processIResponse(); } var jax = new Jax();