

DEAF07, blogged elsewhere

By Sandra Fauconnier.

It is always very interesting to see how a festival like DEAF07 is perceived -- not only how it is covered in the (inter)national press, but also what "regular" visitors and participants think about what they have seen and experienced.
With the growing popularity of weblogs, YouTube and other "social" websites, it has become much easier for a festival audience to publish their own thoughts, reviews and interpretations; it appears that DEAF07 is extensively covered by bloggers and (amateur) photographers and video makers.

Reviews by webloggers

A nice overview of DEAF07 in various blogs can be found on Technorati - search term DEAF07 . A selection of highlights:

Photos, video and others

Many people have uploaded photographs about the festival to their flickr accounts. A random selection of flickr photos, tagged deaf07, are shown in the right hand column of this website's blog -- if you want your own photographs (on flickr) to appear there, don't forget to add the deaf07 tag.

There is also a nice -- and interesting -- selection of DEAF07 video coverage on YouTube , which mainly documents the exhibition works. Check out all videos tagged with deaf07, and the DEAF07 YouTube group.

Feel free to add a link to your own materials in the comments.

flickr random images on DEAF07
